W!LD Network
Past Events
W!LD #24 @ ADCES Diabetes Technology Conference in Chicago (In Person)
On Saturday, December 14, 2024, W!LD partnered with ADCES to host a breakfast at the ADCES Diabetes Technology Conference. During the reception, W!LD provided a nourishing breakfast and shared its 2025 season calendar. In 2025, W!LD looks forward to hosting “Hot Breakfast, Hot Topics” receptions at ATTD in Amsterdam, ADA in Chicago, ADCES in Phoenix, and ISPAD in Montreal.

W!LD #23 @ ATTD-ASIA in Singapore (In Person)
On Monday, November 18 and Wednesday, November 20, 2024, W!LD organized two afternoon tea receptions at the Raffles Singapore. Multiple dozen emerging and established women leaders and their committed allies from around the world gathered to connect over tea and an exquisite selection of finger sandwiches, scones, and more, while discussing their biggest hopes and dreams for the field in 2025. This event was hosted by W!LD in the spirit of bringing together emerging and established women leaders and their allies working in and around diabetes to connect, network, and learn.

W!LD #22 @ Diabetes Technology Meeting in the San Francisco Bay Area (In Person)
On Tuesday, October 15, 2024, W!LD partnered with the Diabetes Technology Society for the Diabetes Technology Meeting’s poster session reception. During the reception, which offered healthy, fresh sushi and more, W!LD highlighted the women primary poster presenters and introduced its 2025 season calendar. In 2025, W!LD will host “Hot Breakfast, Hot Topics” receptions at ATTD in Amsterdam, ADA in Chicago, ADCES in Phoenix, and ISPAD in Montreal.

W!LD #21 @ ADCES in New Orleans (In Person)
On Friday, August 12, 2024, W!LD hosted its fifth “Hot Breakfast, Hot Topics” reception in New Orleans before ADCES 2024. Emerging and established women leaders and their committed allies gathered to connect and network at St. James Cheese Company, where W!LD hosted its first in-person event back in 2022 during ADA. W!LD Advisor Dr. Francine Kaufman shared warm words of welcome before Molly Grazioso kicked off a round of introductions. In addition to pointing to W!LD’s exclusive one-pagers highlighting ADCES sessions and Close Concerns’ ADCES Preview, W!LD ambassadors shared information about the Whitney Plantation, a local museum dedicated to educating the public about slavery. Attendees were invited join the W!LD team for guided tours of the Whitney Plantation or pick up a voucher to visit independently during or after the conference.
From Thursday, August 11, to Monday, August 15, W!LD organized multiple visits to the Whitney Plantation. Nearly 30 attendees made the trip to the historic site to deepen their understanding of slavery and its lasting impact on contemporary society and health disparities. Committed to continuing this learning, visitors each took home a book from the Whitney Plantation’s renowned bookstore and made use of a reading list curated by UT Dallas Professor Dr. Whitney Stewart.

Event Agenda
“Hot Breakfast, Hot Topics - ADCES!” reception
remarks fromFrancine Kaufman, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Senseonics, Inc. & Distinguished Professor Emerita of Pediatrics, Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California
W!LD #20 @ ADA in Orlando (In Person)
On Friday, June 21, 2024, W!LD hosted its 4th "Hot Breakfast, Hot Topics" reception in Orlando before ADA 2024. Nearly 300 emerging and established women leaders and their committed allies from around the world gathered at Cuba Libre to connect and learn over a nourishing breakfast. In addition to W!LD's exclusive one-pagers highlighting sessions and abstracts on hot topics at ADA, this breakfast featured resources – compiled by a host committee – on LGBTQ+ allyship (see below). The W!LD Team also conducted a special interview with London-based drag artist Grace Shush, spanning topics including living with diabetes, learning about diabetes technology, and finding community in both the diabetes and LGBTQ+ space.
During the welcome remarks, Kelly Close spotlighted the trailblazing women leaders in the room, including W!LD Advisor Dr. Francine Kaufman, who received the 2024 Lois Jovanovic Transformative Woman in Diabetes Award during ADA 2024. Liz O'Hara and Lindsay Philbrick offered additional words of welcome and highlighted W!LD's impact and mission to connect, educate, and support emerging and established women leaders in and around diabetes.

Event Agenda
“Hot Breakfast, Hot Topics - ADA!” reception
remarks fromKelly Close, Founder & President, Close Concerns; Co-Founder, diaTribe + dQ&A
Liz O’Hara, Director of Global Insights, Diabetes Care, Abbott
Lindsay Philbrick, Vice President of Marketing, Insulet
W!LD #19 @ ATTD in Florence (In Person)
On Wednesday, March 6, 2024, W!LD hosted its 3rd "Hot Breakfast, Hot Topics" reception in Florence before ATTD 2024. Nearly 150 emerging and established women leaders and their committed allies from around the world gathered to connect and learn over a hearty breakfast featuring Tuscan meats and cheeses. As with each of W!LD's breakfast receptions, W!LD provided Close Concerns' ATTD conference preview and created one-pagers and posters to assist attendees in distilling the plethora of learnings ahead at the conference. Dr. Francine Kaufman pointed out the trailblazing women luminaries in attendance during her welcome remarks, and Holly McGarraugh highlighted the incredible impact Dr. Kaufman herself has had on the field. Liz O'Hara then offered additional words of welcome and shared what W!LD means to her before Elaine Young kicked off a round of introductions with Kelly Close listening in from San Francisco. Dr. Robert Gabbay, Chief Scientific and Medical Officer of the ADA, was in attendance and made the exciting announcement that Dr. Kaufman is slated to receive the Lois Jovanovic Transformative Woman in Diabetes Award during the ADA's 84th Scientific Sessions in Orlando.
From Wednesday, March 6 to Saturday, March 9, W!LD organized four guided tours of the Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze and the Gallerie degli Uffizi. Over 50 attendees came together to learn about and experience Florence's rich art and culture, featuring highlights such as Botticelli's Birth of Venus and Michelangelo's Statue of David.

For more photos, click here.
Event Agenda
Guided tour of the Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze
"Hot Breakfast, Hot Topics - ATTD!" reception
remarks fromFrancine Kaufman, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Senseonics, Inc. & Distinguished Professor Emerita of Pediatrics, Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California
Holly McGarraugh, Former CEO, Apieron
Liz O'Hara, Director of Global Insights, Diabetes Care, Abbott
Elaine Young, Senior Associate, W!LD, Close Concerns
Guided tour of the Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze
Guided tour of the Gallerie degli Uffizi
Guided tour of the Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze
W!LD #18 @ ADCES Diabetes Technology Conference in Chicago (In Person)
On Friday, December 1, 2023, W!LD welcomed over 200 conference delegates to ADCES' 3rd annual Diabetes Technology Conference with a warm and nourishing breakfast. During the breakfast, W!LD introduced its 2024 season calendar, announcing upcoming "Hot Breakfast, Hot Topics" receptions at ATTD in Florence, ADA in Orlando, ADCES in New Orleans, and the Diabetes Technology Meeting in Burlingame, California.

W!LD #17 @ EASD in Hamburg (In Person)
On Tuesday, October 3, 2023, W!LD hosted its “Hot Breakfast, Hot Topics - EASD!” reception in Hamburg before EASD 2023. Conversation filled the venue as multiple dozens of emerging and established women leaders and their allies came together to connect over a nourishing breakfast. Numerous globally known luminaries were in attendance including EASD President Professor Chantal Mathieu, Professor Katharine Barnard-Kelly, Dr. Rich Bergenstal, Dr. Irl Hirsch, and more. Dr. Francine Kaufman gave a warm welcome to the attendees and pointed out the materials around the room, which included copies of Close Concerns’ EASD Preview, W!LD-exclusive one-pagers with EASD sessions sorted by categories, and posters highlighting must-see diabetes therapy and technology EASD sessions by women presenters. A slideshow of photos from past in-person W!LD events played on the projector screen. Near the end of the reception, Close Concerns Associates led multiple walking trains of attendees from the reception to the Convention Center for Professor Mathieu’s Presidential Address.

For more photos, click here.
Speakers included:

Event Agenda
“Hot Breakfast, Hot Topics - EASD!” reception
welcome message fromFrancine Kaufman, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Senseonics, Inc. & Distinguished Professor Emerita of Pediatrics, Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California
W!LD #16 @ ESC in Amsterdam (In Person)
On Friday, August 25, 2023, W!LD organized a gathering at the famous Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam with esteemed cardiologist Dr. Mikhail Kosiborod (Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute) following his standing-room-only presentation of the landmark STEP-HFpEF results on Day #1 of the European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC) 2023. Attendees had the opportunity to connect with Dr. Kosiborod, and the Close Concerns team also had the pleasure and honor of gleaning additional insights about the trial from Dr. Kosiborod and his colleague Dr. Andrew Sauer (see the full conversation here). In the conversation, Drs. Kosiborod and Sauer share how the “paradigm-shifting” results reinforce the importance of targeting obesity as a root cause of many complications, including heart failure and cardiovascular disease.
At ESC, W!LD also attended an outstanding panel discussion on advancing women leaders in cardiology – with practical strategies to advance diversity in all fields, not just cardiology – and a powerful session on social determinants of health. Click the links to read highlights from these sessions.

Event Agenda
Visit to the Van Gogh Museum and Conversation with Drs. Mikhail Kosiborod and Andrew Sauer
W!LD #15 @ ADCES in Houston (In Person)
On Thursday, August 3, 2023, W!LD hosted a cocktail reception at the Grotto Downtown in Houston before ADCES 2023. Dr. Francine Kaufman and Kelly Close, who called in from San Francisco, gave a warm welcome to over 130 attendees from more than 90 organizations followed by audience introductions. In addition to bringing together emerging and established women leaders and their allies for networking and community, W!LD was thrilled to celebrate Diabetes Care and Education Specialists (DCES) for the invaluable impact they have on people with diabetes. At the reception, W!LD displayed a digital board it created containing messages gathered from DCES and the broader diabetes community about memorable or impactful moments they have had as, or with, a DCES. W!LD also provided copies of Close Concerns’ ADCES Preview and one-pagers created by W!LD to highlight ADCES sessions in several categories. The evening was filled with conversation as attendees connected with colleagues new and old over drinks and hors d’oeuvres.
On Thursday, August 3, W!LD also hosted a group tour of the Rothko Chapel, a non-denominational and meditative space containing 14 powerful and thought-provoking abstract panels created by American muralist Mark Rothko. W!LD organized and facilitated additional trips to the Rothko Chapel on Friday, August 4 and Saturday, August 5.

For more photos, click here.
Speakers included:

Event Agenda
Group tour of the Rothko Chapel
Cocktail reception at the Grotto Downtown
welcome messages fromFrancine Kaufman, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Senseonics, Inc. & Distinguished Professor Emerita of Pediatrics, Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California
Kelly Close, Founder & President, Close Concerns; Co-Founder, diaTribe + dQ&A
Rothko Chapel visits
Transportation provided byW!LD
W!LD #14 @ ADA in San Diego (In Person)
On Friday, June 23, 2023, over 250 emerging and established women leaders and their allies attended W!LD’s “Hot Breakfast and Hot Topics” reception prior to the start of the ADA’s 83rd Scientific Sessions. Just 122 steps from the convention center, Lou & Mickey’s served as a way station for attendees to fuel up on nourishment, conversations, and learnings on their way to ADA. W!LD provided copies of Close Concerns’ ADA Preview and exclusive one-pagers with ADA abstracts and sessions sorted by categories. The Close Concerns Associates were on-site to connect with attendees and chat about can’t-miss ADA happenings across diabetes technology, therapy, and more. Kelly Close and Katie Spayde offered warm words of welcome and highlighted W!LD’s mission to connect and empower women leaders to propel their careers forward.
Event Agenda
“Hot Breakfast and Hot Topics” reception at Lou & Mickey’s
welcome messages fromKelly Close, Founder & President, Close Concerns; Co-Founder, diaTribe + dQ&A
Katie Spayde, Divisional Vice President, Global Strategic Marketing, Abbott Diabetes Care
W!LD #13 @ ATTD in Berlin (In Person)
On Wednesday, February 22, 2023, W!LD brought together emerging and established women leaders and allies at the Hopfingerbräu am Brandenburger Tor in Berlin for an evening of networking during the 16th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes. Dr. Francine Kaufman welcomed over 125 attendees from across 60+ organizations, and Kelly Close called in from San Francisco to give additional words of welcome and gratitude. Attendees connected with colleagues over German food and drink and celebrated the esteemed Dr. Irl Hirsch for his birthday.
On Monday, February 20, and Tuesday, February 21, W!LD learned about Berlin’s rich culture and history during two guided walking tours. Points of interest included the Brandenburg Gate, Charité University Hospital, remnants of the Berlin Wall, Reichstag Building, and Spree River.
Speakers included:

Event Agenda
Historical and cultural guided tour of Berlin
Historical and cultural guided tour of Berlin
Evening reception at Hopfingerbräu am Brandenburger Tor
welcome messages fromFrancine Kaufman, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Senseonics, Inc. & Distinguished Professor Emerita of Pediatrics, Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California
Kelly Close, Founder & President, Close Concerns; Co-Founder, diaTribe + dQ&A
W!LD #12 @ ADCES Diabetes Technology Conference in Chicago (In Person)
On Thursday, December 11, 2022, over 50 W!LD members and ADCES delegates from across 30+ organizations gathered at Chicago’s Field Museum for an evening of networking, connecting, and learning before the start of the ADCES Diabetes Technology Conference. Attendees caught up with colleagues and formed new connections over heavy hors d’oeuvres and drinks. And as part of W!LD's year-long focus on social determinants of health (SDoH), the event included docent-led tours of the Field Museum’s new, permanent Native Truths: Our Voices, Our Stories exhibit. This exhibit was specifically selected by W!LD because it highlights Native American and Indigenous people, a population disproportionately affected by SDoH.
On Sunday, December 11, W!LD visited the Art Institute of Chicago to see David Hockney: The Arrival of Spring, Normandy, 2020 during the member-only viewing hour. Attendees gathered in the conference hotel for breakfast and conversations before walking together to the Art Institute.
Speakers included:

Event Agenda
Networking, Connecting, and Learning at the Field Museum
Docent-led tours of the Field Museum’s Native Truths: Our Voices, Our Stories exhibit
welcome message fromKelly Close, Founder & President, Close Concerns; Co-Founder, diaTribe + dQ&A
Breakfast and Conversations at the Art Institute of Chicago
Self-Guided Tours to the Field Museum and Art Institute of Chicago
tickets provided byW!LD
W!LD #11: Winter 2022 Gathering
Our Winter 2022 W!LD event was the fourth in a year dedicated to educating leaders about Social Determinants of Health (SDoH). Holly McGarraugh, an advisor for W!LD and advocate for patient access who has worked in leadership positions at companies such as LifeScan, Therasense, Abbott, and Glooko, set the stage with a synthesis of W!LD’s learnings around SDoH over the past year. Then, we welcomed back to W!LD Berkeley’s Dr. Sahar Yousef, who spoke on the neuroscience of navigating change and uncertainty. To round out the event, the esteemed “serial” Chief Medical Officer and obesity expert Dr. Barbara Troupin moderated a panel discussion on taking action and driving change in SDoH. Panelists included: Dr. Alice Cheng, an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto and creator of The Med Ed Pledge; Dr. Clare Lee, an Executive Medical Director of Global Medical Affairs at Eli Lilly and Company; and Dr. Athena Philis-Tsimikas, Corporate VP of Scripps Health in San Diego and leader of the Project Dulce and Dulce Digital programs.
Read Close Concerns' coverage of the event here.
Speakers included:

Event Agenda
(Time segments in ET)
W!LD Network Program Opening
Kelly Close, Founder & President, Close Concerns; Co-Founder, diaTribe + dQ&A
“SDoH Learnings in 2022 – A W!LD Synthesis”
Holly McGarraugh, Former CEO, Apieron
“The Neuroscience of Leading Through Change”
Sahar Yousef, PhD, Lecturer, Management of Organizations, UC Berkeley Haas School of Business
Panel discussion on action and SDoH
Alice Cheng, MD, Associate Professor, University of Toronto
Clare Lee, MD, MHS, Executive Medical Director, Global Medical Affairs, Eli Lilly and Company
Athena Philis-Tsimikas, MD, Corporate VP, Scripps Health, San Diego
moderated by:
Barbara Troupin, MD, MBA, Former SVP, Medical Affairs, MyoKardia (acquired by BMS)
Program Conclusion
W!LD #10 @ ISPAD in Abu Dhabi (In Person)
On Sunday, October 16, 2022, W!LD organized two tours of the Louvre Abu Dhabi’s new Impressionism: Pathways to Modernity exhibit on the final day of the 2022 ISPAD Annual Conference. Over 30 W!LD members and ISPAD faculty and delegates gathered under renowned architect Jean Nouvels’ intricate honey-comb dome to view more than 150 masterpieces from well-known pioneers and artists of the 19th-century Impressionist movement such as Monet, Degas, Renoir, and Cézanne. This event was hosted by W!LD in the spirit of bringing together emerging and established women leaders and allies working in and around diabetes to connect, network, and learn.
Event Agenda
First Tour of the Louvre Abu Dhabi’s Impressionism: Pathways to Modernity Exhibit
Second Tour of the Louvre Abu Dhabi’s Impressionism: Pathways to Modernity Exhibit
W!LD #9: Fall 2022 Gathering
Our Fall 2022 W!LD event provided actionable learning on diversity and inclusion in clinical trials and was the third in a year dedicated to educating leaders about Social Determinants of Health (SDoH). The event kicked off with a panel discussion and audience Q&A moderated by Kelly Close. Panelists included: Stanford’s pediatric endocrinologist and clinical trial researcher Dr. Ananta Addala, AstraZeneca’s VP and Head of Medical US BioPharmaceuticals Dr. Rachele Berria, Harvard’s obesity medicine expert Dr. Fatima Cody Stanford, and the Head of Digital Optimization for Walgreens’ new clinical trial business, Kendal Whitlock. They discussed the current state of inclusion in clinical trials, the vital need to increase diversity in trials, and how we can all take steps to improve health outcomes for patients. Then, Dr. Stanford presented a riveting keynote on racism and inequality in the field of medicine as well as their downstream impacts. W!LD members were invited to stay after for an exclusive bonus opportunity to connect with Dr. Stanford and ask questions following her keynote.
Speakers included:

Event Agenda
(Time segments in ET)
W!LD Network Program Opening
Kelly Close, Founder & President, Close Concerns; Co-Founder, diaTribe + dQ&A
Reimagining Clinical Trials: Where we are and Where we Need to be on Clinical Trial Diversity and Inclusion
Ananta Addala, DO, MPH
Stanford University
Rachele Berria, MD, PhD
Fatima Cody Stanford, MD, MPH, MPA, MBA
Mass General / Harvard Medical School
Kendal Whitlock, MPH
Walgreens Clinical Trials
moderated by Kelly Close
Equity in Medicine: The Journey of a Physician Scientist
Fatima Cody Stanford, MD, MPH, MPA, MBA
Mass General / Harvard Medical School
W!LD Exclusive: Conversation, Questions, and Reactions with Dr. Fatima Cody Stanford
Program Conclusion
W!LD #8 @ ADA in New Orleans (In Person)
On Thursday, June 2, and Friday, June 3, 2022, nearly 150 emerging and established women leaders and allies joined W!LD in New Orleans for the ADA’s 82nd Scientific Sessions and our first in-person events. In addition to reflecting on insights from the Sci Sessions, W!LD members came out from behind the Zoom screen to catch up with colleagues from other areas in the field of diabetes and form new connections.
On Thursday, June 2, W!LD traveled just outside of New Orleans to the historic Whitney Plantation. This tour, enhanced by historian Dr. Whitney Nell Stewart, deepened our understanding of the root causes of health inequities and their connection to modern-day social determinants of health. On Thursday evening and Friday morning, W!LD members filled the bright and welcoming St. James Cheese Company for conversation—networking and exchanging ideas in the service of improving the short- and long-term outcomes of people with diabetes.
Speakers included:

Event Agenda
Thursday, June 2
Whitney Plantation Tour: Exploring Root Causes of SDoH
accompanied byWhitney Nell Stewart, PhD, Assistant Professor of History, University of Texas at Dallas
Cocktails and Conversations at St. James Cheese Company: Reflecting on SDoH Learnings
welcome message fromKelly Close, Founder & President, Close Concerns; Co-Founder, diaTribe + dQ&A”
Friday, June 3
Breakfast and Networking at St. James Cheese Company: Looking Ahead to ADA Scientific Sessions Focused on SDoH
Whitney Plantation Tour: Exploring Root Causes of SDoH
accompanied byWhitney Nell Stewart, PhD, Assistant Professor of History, University of Texas at Dallas
Saturday, June 4 - Tuesday, June 7
Self-Guided Tours to Whitney Plantation
vouchers provided byW!LD
W!LD #7: Spring 2022 Gathering
Our Spring 2022 W!LD event featured Dr. Felicia Hill-Briggs of Northwell Health, lead author of "Social Determinants of Health and Diabetes: A Scientific Review." This event was the first in a year dedicated to Social Determinants of Health (SDoH). By outlining multiple challenges created by SDoH, Dr. Hill-Briggs’ presentation set a strong foundation for a year of education, building community, and working for change in our lives and professions. After Dr. Hill-Briggs presented, Dr. Francine Kaufman moderated an interactive Q&A in which you had the opportunity to ask questions and take a deeper dive into issues of SDoH that are relevant to your work as leaders in diabetes. Finally, prizewinning author Daniel H. Pink discussed The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward.
Read Close Concerns' coverage of the event here.
Speakers included:

Event Agenda
Kelly Close, Founder & President, Close Concerns; Co-Founder, diaTribe + dQ&A”
Felicia Hill-Briggs, PhD, ABPP, Northwell Health
Q&A with Dr. Felicia Hill-Briggs
facilitated byFrancine Kaufman, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Senseonics, Inc. & Distinguished Professor Emerita of Pediatrics, Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California
Daniel H. Pink on The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward
Daniel H. Pink, New York Times Bestselling Author
Program Closing
W!LD #6: Winter 2021 Gathering
We were excited to welcome The Honorable Kim Schrier (WA-08) to our Winter 2021 W!LD event. As a pediatrician and person living with diabetes, Representative Schrier discussed her views on healthcare policy in a fireside chat with Dr. Francine Kaufman. Also joining us were Jane Adams and Larry Soler, who presented data on the science of influence and persuasion. Finally, we welcomed Joe Nadglowski to W!LD, who discussed obesity policy, specifically TROA, in a breakout room with the Close Concerns team.
Speakers included:

Event Agenda
Kelly Close, Founder & President, Close Concerns; Co-Founder, diaTribe + dQ&A”
“A Physician Congresswoman’s View of Policymaking from the Inside”
The Honorable Kim Schrier, MD, U.S. House of Representatives (WA-08)
Francine Kaufman, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Senseonics, Inc. & Distinguished Professor Emerita of Pediatrics, Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California
“An Insider's Perspective of DC”
Jane Adams, Vice President, U.S. Federal Government Affairs and Canada, Johnson & Johnson
Larry Soler, Founding Partner, Convergency
Skill Building and Informational Breakouts – Self Select Topics
- “Practices and Tools on Executive Presence and Meaningful Connections” with Dr. Sahar Yousef
- “Close Concerns in Conversations with Friends: Perspectives on Policy and Obesity” with Joe Nadglowski, Kelly Close and the Close Concerns Team
Program Conclusion
W!LD #5: Fall 2021 Gathering
Our fall event featured past and present female leadership of the ADA and celebrated the future-facing vision of outgoing ADA CEO Tracey Brown on her last day at the helm of this transformative organization. In a discussion moderated by the distinguished Dr. Francine Kaufman, our panelists dove into the major domains of the ADA — science, standards of care, advocacy, policy, health equity, and governance — and examined the integral role women leaders play in this critical organization and ways in which ADA leadership has helped propel their own skills and commitment.
Speakers included:

Event Agenda
Kelly Close, Founder & President, Close Concerns; Co-Founder, diaTribe + dQ&A”
Panel Discussions led by
Francine Kaufman, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Senseonics, Inc. & Distinguished Professor Emerita of Pediatrics, Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California“ADA Scientific/ Clinical Leadership”
featuringLinda Siminerio, RN, PhD, DCES, Professor of Medicine, Nursing, and Health and Community Systems at the University of Pittsburgh
Ruth Weinstock, MD, PhD, President of Medicine & Science, ADA
“ADA Health Equity/ Advocacy and Policy”
featuringCynthia Muñoz, PhD, MPH, President of Health Care & Education, ADA; Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California
Lisa Murdock, Senior VP of Advocacy, ADA
“ADA Board of Directors/ Office of the CEO/ CSMO”
featuringSherita Hill Golden, MD, MHS, Board of Directors, ADA; Hugh P. McCormick Family Professor of Endocrinology & Metabolism; VP, Chief Diversity Officer, Johns Hopkins Medicine
Robert Gabbay, MD, PhD, Chief Scientific & Medical Officer, ADA
Q&A Overview, Chloe Harris, Close Concerns Associate
Program Conclusion
W!LD #4: Summer 2021 Gathering
Real-world evidence offers a powerful look into how therapies and technologies work in everyday life. The fourth W!LD gathering featured a deep dive into what real-world evidence is, and the major impacts it has had in improving patient life and outcomes. Additionally, W!LD explored the utility of real-world evidence and the science behind taking effective breaks to process information. To ensure our listeners optimized their upcoming ADA conference experience, these presentations provided relevant background and tools for the 81st Scientific Sessions.
Speakers included:

Event Agenda
Kelly Close, Founder & President, Close Concerns; Co-Founder, diaTribe + dQ&A”
- Katie Spayde (Moderator), Divisional Vice President, Global Strategic Marketing, Abbott Diabetes Care
- Dr. Stayce Beck, Vice President of Clinical and Strategic Partnerships, Dexcom
- Laura Brandner, Director of Real-World Evidence Programs, Abbott Diabetes Care
- Dr. Robert Gabbay, Chief Scientific and Medical Officer, American Diabetes Association
- Dr. Courtney Lias, Acting Director of the Office of Gastrorenal, ObGyn, General Hospital, and Urology Devices, Food and Drug Administration
- Dr. Eden Miller, Diabetologist and Diplomate Obesity Medicine Founder Diabetes and Obesity Care, Bend Oregon
Closing Remarks
Skill Building and Networking Breakouts – Self Select Topics
- “Continuing the Conversation About Effective Breaks & Applying Breaks to Upcoming ADA” with Dr. Sahar Yousef (skill-building)
- “Pledge to Progress: A Seramount Workplace Report on Racial Equity and Inclusion Across Corporate America” with Subha Barry (informational)
- “Women in Endocrinology: How to Gain Parity” with Dr. Fran Kaufman (networking)
- “Recent Takeaways from Diabetes Conferences & Look Ahead to ADA” - Kelly Close and Close Concerns Associates (informational)
Program Conclusion
W!LD #3: Spring 2021 Gathering
Our gathering featured Professor Stephanie Creary, PhD, identity and diversity scholar and field researcher at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, in a keynote on "How to Elevate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Your Organization." Dr. Creary investigates how people effectively navigate identity-related tensions and boundaries at work, particularly around issues of inclusion and exclusion. In addition, Dr. Sahar Yousef, cognitive neuroscientist and faculty member at UC Berkeley Haas School of Business, shared her insights on “Creating Effective Cognitive Boundaries Between Work and Home” (see preview here). We also offered optional networking and breakout sessions (see full descriptions here).
Speakers included:

Event Agenda
Kelly Close, Founder & President, Close Concerns; Co-Founder, diaTribe + dQ&A”
Dr. Stephanie Creary, Identity and Diversity Scholar and Field Researcher, University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business
Q&A and Conversation with Michael Johnson, DVP Diversity and Inclusion, Abbott
Susan Gellatly, DVP Human Resources, Abbott and Katie Spayde, DVP US Commercial Operations, Abbott Diabetes Care
Closing Remarks
Skill-Building and Networking Breakouts – see full descriptions of the self-select topics here and choose among the following:
- Switching Off with Dr. Sahar Yousef: The Science of Associations, Creating a Cognitive Divide Between Work and Home
- Coffee and Conversation with Dr. Fran Kaufman: Unmet Needs in Diabetes and More
- Key Takeaways from Recent Diabetes Conferences with Kelly Close and the Close Concerns Team
- Engaging Young and Emerging Leaders in DEI Work: Continuing the Conversation with Dr. Stephanie Creary
Program Conclusion
W!LD #2: Introducing W!LD
Join us as we hear from inspiring experts, headlined by Insulet CEO, Shacey Petrovic, in conversation with her SVP & Medical Director, Dr. Trang Ly, as well as feature a Post-Election 2021 Health Care Policy Forecast by Maura Calsyn, Managing Director, Center for American Progress. Learn how humor is a secret weapon from Prof. Jennifer Aaker, Professor at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business. In addition, we'll offer optional networking sessions and peer-led sessions.
Speakers included:

Event Agenda
“Wake Up and Lead! Neuroscience Techniques to Superpower through 2021” Sahar Yousef, Cognitive Neuroscientist and Faculty Director, UC Berkeley Haas School of Business
W!LD Network Program Opening
Kelly Close, Founder & President, Close Concerns; Co-Founder, diaTribe + dQ&A”“Welcome to W!LD”
“Leadership Perspectives from a Tech CEO and Her Medical Director”
Shacey Petrovic, President and CEO, Insulet Corporation
Dr. Trang Ly, Senior Vice President, Medical Director, Insulet Corporation Q&A
Q&A led by Kelly Close
“Post-Election Health Care Policy Forecast for 2021”
Maura Calsyn, Managing Director, Health Policy, Center for American Progress
Q&A led by Jane Adams, Vice President, US Federal Government Affairs & Canada, Johnson & Johnson
“Humor Seriously: Why Humor is a Secret Weapon in Business and Life”
Jennifer Aaker, General Atlantic Professor and Coulter Family Fellow 2020-2021, Stanford Graduate School of Business
- Super-Powering through 2021: Neuroscience Techniques for a more energetic, focused, and motivated new year - Continuing the Conversation with Sahar Yousef
- Health Care Policy Forecast for 2021 - Continuing the Conversation with Maura Calsyn
- “Humor, Seriously: Why humor is a secret weapon in business and life” - Continuing the Conversation with Jennifer Aaker
- Takeaways from 2020 and Upcoming 2021 Diabetes Conferences: with Kelly Close and the Close Concerns Team
- Conversation and Coffee: Relax and chat with amazing women leaders (you!)
W!LD #1: W!LD Preview: The Women Leaders in Diabetes Network
The feedback from our W!LD preview was very enthusiastic, as attendees enjoyed the chance (virtually) to relax and learn from each other and from the high powered experts and faculty. The speakers were remarkable - with intense, absorbing and inspirational talks, set in a low pressure and highly motivating environment.
The meeting demonstrated W!LD’s commitment to excellence and its role in convening leaders in the fight against diabetes. It was a chance for all to invest in learning, skill building and advancing women’s leadership. Above all, people enjoyed getting to know each other and making new connections.
Speakers included:

Event Agenda
by Duarte Inc.
“Welcome to W!LD”
Q&A Moderated by Katharine Spayde, DVP U.S. Commercial Operations, Abbott Diabetes Care
Introduction by Elena Livshina, Vice President Marketing, Novo Nordisk Inc
Julie Castro Abrams, CEO, How Women Lead
Martha Goldberg Aronson, Corporate Board Director, Conmed Corporation (NYSE:CNMD); Cardiovascular Systems Inc. NASDAQ:CSII); and Beta Bionics Inc.